Today’s consumers are looking to connect with their favourite brands.

One of the most striking trends impacting our industry at the moment is the ‘’Human Era Branding’’; now is the time for brands to embrace their softer side and move away from institutional identities in favour of more personable characteristics customers can relate to.

With the proliferation of online media, today’s consumers are looking to connect with their favourite brands on a far more intimate level than before and they respond to honesty and transparency, not formality and distance. In Lippincott’s Welcome to the Human Era report the global brand consultancy explains how ‘’consumers are seeking not just to buy something, but to buy into something‘’ and this kind of deeper relationship creates loyal brand advocates. By opening themselves up companies are seen as more approachable, more authentic and certainly more trustworthy.

Some brands might have an easier job of getting up close and personal than others but traditional ‘corporate’ entities can also get in on the act by adjusting their communications strategies. America’s TD Bank recently unveiled the third phase of its ‘Bank Human’ campaign which is all about taking a light-hearted look at some of the most common frustrations when it comes to banking. Over in the UK, booking platform has launched its ‘People Shaped Travel Campaign’ to address one of the biggest challenges to booking online – the lack of personal service – by bringing their staff into focus talking about their own love of travel.

Here are a few tips to make the Human Era branding work for you:

  1. Tell an authentic storyMore than just a company history, your brand story reveals some fundamental truths behind your business, such as its motivations and objectives, by getting to the heart of what you do and communicating it in a relatable way.
  2. Show your true coloursBeing transparent is very important and you should try to pre-empt any questions people may have by offering accurate information upfront. Spinney’s supermarket is a good Dubai-based example having recently launched a campaign addressing misconceptions about hormone use in its meat.
  3. Lighten upWe’re all looking for some fun to brighten up the day and there’s a lot to be said for making people laugh. Think about ways to inject a bit of humour into your marketing and don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself from time to time.
  4. Listen wellCustomers want to be heard and social media is full of ways to engage in an authentic two-way dialogue that enables them to offer feedback and allows you to demonstrate how you’re taking it on board.

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