Many of us have heard of the term brand positioning, but what does it really stand for - reputation, image, vision, brand identity, USP…?

First, let us see what positioning is all about. In a nutshell, it would come down to two elements: 

1. Decision on messaging or image that brand is conveying to a target group. In other words, what mental position is the brand taking in the mind of a consumer / client? What associations we want the brand to build?

2. Achieving that position through various tactics, i.e. marketing mix (the five P’s: product, place, price, promotion, personnel).

While the second is focusing on the implementation of the brand positioning, where in the modern world companies spend millions on marketing; we often come across brands that do not have an established core brand positioning itself.

Brand positioning (not the implementation if it) is still commonly misunderstood, overlooked and undervalued in marketing and communication tactics.

Not devoting enough attention to brand positioning, being occupied with tactical marketing aspects, may lead to the fact that all of those activities are not orchestrated around central idea, leading to brand ambiguity. This may lead to consumer not knowing anymore what brand is about, making it difficult to create brand loyalty.

In the post-COVID world of increased competition, online growth demanding more brand transparency, low involvement among consumers and paradox of choice, being able to create a distinguished, relevant and consistent strategic positioning lays at the core of brand success.

Here, we will be discussing the key requirements of creating a strong brand positioning.

Consistent: First and foremost, the positioning must match the brand itself. It should reflect current strengths, making a real promise in line with company operations and vision, allowing for a strong consistency of brand moving forward. Looking at elements such as company’s USP, SWOT, current assets and reputation would be on of the first steps in case of rebranding exercise.  

Relevant: Brand positioning should be relevant to the target group. Defining your target audience, and understanding their needs / wants / challenges, will be one of the elements helping to shape brand positioning.

Different: Brand image shall be different and distinctive from the competing brands. Running in-depth competitive analysis will help to learn more about current offerings in the market and positioning of peer brands.

“Who do we want to serve with our brand?”,“How does the target group see our brand and the competing brands?”, “What does our brand stand for”, are some of the questions central in brand development process, always based on deep analysis of competitors, current company strengths, SWOT, USP, vision and mission and more.

Brand image can play a crucial role in selecting a brand, where consumer may develop preference for the brand with the most positive image, closest to his/her’s heart.Great brand positioning helps to develop strong, positive, distinctive brand associations, both functional and emotional, that can be based on experiences with the brand, or characteristics and brand values with the brand.

Strong Brand Positioning helps to drive brands further during most challenging times, creating brand community, loyalty and resilient reputation.  

Investing in a brand consultant is an investment in your business’s future. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and see how we can help you build a brand that stands out from the competition, please reach out to

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